The Green School for Girls

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Head of Faculty Mrs A Andrews 
Head of Chemistry  


The main aim of the course is to help you understand the key principles in Chemistry and use these to help explain real-world applications and phenomena. It opens you to a range of ways of thinking and develops a variety of transferable skills.  It involves the study of Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry and allows you to develop both your practical and investigative skills.

How will it be assessed?

  A-level Chemistry. Two-year linear course. Examining Board: AQA

Paper 1 (Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Practical skills

  Written exam, 2 hours, short and long answer questions (35% of A-Level)

Paper 2 (Physical and Organic Chemistry, Practical skills)

   Written exam, 2 hours  - short and long answer questions (35% of A-Level)

Paper 3 (Any content, Practical skills)

Written exam , 2 hours: practical techniques, data analysis, short answer questions and multiple choice testing across the specification (30% of A-Level)

A practical endorsement will be awarded for students who have met the required practical skills in lessons.

Where will it lead?

Studying Chemistry A-level could lead to a degree in Chemistry, Forensic Science, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Materials Science, Biomedical Sciences, and Chemical Engineering.

Chemistry provides you with such a diverse range of skills that can help you in any  career path. 

Enrichment opportunities

Masterclasses, lectures, and visits (e.g. visit to Fullers Brewery).

Entry requirements

At least GCSE grade 6-6 in Double award. If separate Sciences are studied at GCSE, at least 6-6-5, with grade 6 in Chemistry. Students must also achieve at least grade 5 in GCSE Maths.