The Green School for Girls

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Leadership opportunities

Students at The Green School for Girls are given a variety of challenging and interesting roles in order for them to be effective participants in running and improving their school. Students who undertake these roles are elected by their peers within their forms. 

Form and Sports Captain


The Form Captain

  • Collects the register

  • Reports to Reception if the tutor or other teacher is not there on time

  • Checks the class noticeboard, makes sure that it is tidy and organises things for display

  • Leads by example (is on time, has books ready...)

  • Collects money for mufti days, checks who has paid and takes the money to Reception

  • Encourages and organises form members to keep the form room and lockers tidy

  • Liaises with School Council rep and Sports Captain. This includes collecting constructive feedback from classmates

  • Communicates form concerns to the form tutor

  • Meets with the Head of Year to discuss form and year issues and plan events

The Vice Captain may share these duties and she takes over if the Form Captain is not in school.


The Sports Captain should:

  • Represent a school team

  • Attend Sports Council Meetings as requested

  • Take the lead in organising others for practices and fixtures such as Sports Day, Swimming Gala, Borough Rallies and Tournaments, Open Evening, Gym and Dance Evening, Performing Arts Evening

  • Monitor members of the tutor group attending practices and fixtures

  • Keep the PE Department updated with any other sporting achievements within the form

  • Help organise equipment, warm ups and warm downs in PE lessons

  • Write a sports report for The Green News. Read in assembly where possible

  • Collect newspaper articles and current sporting issues in the media on a weekly basis (to be added to display boards)

  • Collect details of outside sporting clubs to add to notice boards

  School Council Representative

The role of the School Council Representative


Your job is to represent the views of your form to the School (or Year) Council. These views may not always reflect your own personal views; the form decides which issues they want you to take to the Council.

You will need to make clear notes of form discussions to take to Council meetings (sometimes you may be asked to give them in before a meeting).

You will report back to the form when the issues they raised have been discussed at Council. It is good to do this as soon as possible after the meeting by:

  • Reading the notes of the meeting to the form and putting them on the noticeboard

  • Answering questions from form members

  • Noting down things to talk more about in the form

What makes a Good Representative?

When choosing representatives it is important to think about who will do the job well and earn the confidence and respect of the form. The most obvious person, the one who seems to already have all the qualities, is not necessarily the only choice. Sometimes people develop these qualities when they get involved in School Council.

As a Council representative you need to be, or be ready to become:

  • Reliable- do the things you promise and remember to go to meetings

  • Fair and impartial- represent views clearly, even those you don’t agree with

  • Thoughtful and truthful- think about feelings and thoughts before you speak

  • A good listener- really listen to both sides of a debate

  • A good speaker- take an active and effective part in discussions

  • Accurate and efficient- make notes and report back to the form

Chapel Ambassadors

Students can apply to be chapel ambassadors who work alongside the school chaplain to support the worship life of the school.

The representative can be from any faith viewpoint and should have an interest in organising assemblies and supporting school services.

This position appeals to students who wish to have an impact on the life of The Green School for Girls. Representatives are reliable and able to feedback ideas to and from their form and year group.