The Green School for Girls

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Why Revise?

Growth of confidence.  

Revision can provide you with a growth in confidence.  After active revision, you know a lot more than if you did not revise.  Even though everyone feels nervous walking into an exam, when you turn the exam paper over, and see those topics you revised it will help you approach it with confidence.

Improves knowledge.  

There is no doubt that the more you study a topic, the more you learn and understand.  Your knowledge expands the more you revise and your memory improves, moving your learning from short-term to long-term memory.

Improves skills. 

The more you practise past exam questions and papers, the more experience you gain in problem solving, using literacy, numeracy and exam techniques.  Practice will help you to apply the right methods to solve problems.

Improves understanding.

Through revising knowledge and practising skills, you will improve your understanding of how these connect, be able to express yourself better and explain your work clearly and in more depth.  It is important that you understand what you are saying, writing or doing.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein

The booklet contains lots of ideas on revising effectively, staying healthy and keeping a positive mind set. There is also a revision planner to plan when to revise which topics and subjects.