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Physical Education and Dance


Head of PE and Dance Miss A Lawlor

What is Physical Education?

Physical education is the study of physical movement, safety and health and well-being. 


Our vision is for all our students to find a passion for physical activity which leads them to life long participation. Students will recognise the importance of lifelong physical activity to their health and well being. They will experience and recognise their own challenges and successes, building character and flourishing through individual and team based physical activities.

Why do we study Physical Education?

Physical education helps develop and maintain confidence, well-being and social skills that can be more difficult to achieve through other subjects. This opportunity to develop communication and team building skills will benefit all aspects of students' school and social life.


 Our students will:

  • understand the importance of physical activity to their physical, mental and social health
  • be enriched through participation in lessons and co-curricular opportunities
  • learn to show respect, grace & dignity in equal measure in competition whatever the outcome
  • feel supported in stepping out of comfort zones to develop a sense of compassion, self-esteem, confidence, resilience and leadership
  • experience differing roles in a team including leading and supporting others
  • understand the human body and the impact of activity on it
  • develop an appreciation of the aesthetic qualities and emotive qualities of movement and dance
  • reflect on their own physical fitness to identify their strengths and areas to improve
  • plan, perform and evaluate the successes of their chosen strategies and tactics and of their choreography and aesthetic quality

What do we study? 

In Key Stage 3 we aim to provide opportunities for students to embed and apply a range of core skills across a number of different sports: Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Striking & Fielding Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Trampolining & Athletics.

 We encourage the development of communication within a team environment as well as an understanding of the tactics and the rules and regulations of the sports we deliver.

All students have Core PE lessons in KS4, which provide an opportunity to apply and practise the skills developed in KS3 in a socially competitive environment.

Those students who chose to study GCSE PE will explore more of the theoretical concepts of the subject, whilst aiming to perform to a high level across three sports.

In the Sixth Form we offer a Level 3 CTEC in Sport and Physical Activity, as well as recreational PE for all and the Sports Leaders Award for those willing to pursue a qualification as leaders of sport activities.

To view a full summary of our KS3 and KS4 PE curriculum please click here

To view information about CTEC Spot and Physical Activity at the Green School Sixth Form please click here


In Physical Education students are taught the core knowledge and skills of games and performance. Our units of learning are sequenced from skill acquisition in Year 7 to mastery in Year 9 and beyond, building upon knowledge of tactics and strategies. In year 7 students of Physical Education develop their basic physical literacy and core skills of Invasion games, Athletics and Striking and fielding games. They develop knowledge of Gymnastic skills and are introduced to Trampolining and Indoor Rowing. These skills are further developed in Years 8 and 9,  refining techniques and investigating gameplay and strategies.  We continue to challenge students in Gymnastics with Vaulting and progressing their skills and performance on the Trampoline. We also introduce the net game of Badminton into our curriculum. Our programme of study gives students knowledge of how they can lead active and healthy lifestyles beyond their school years,  whilst also preparing those students who choose the GCSE PE pathway for Key Stage 4.  All of our activities are deliberately chosen to enhance the personal development of each student in the following areas - Fitness, Character, Decision Making, Coaching, Knowledge (anatomy, physiology and some training methods), Leadership and Mindset.  These strands are spiralled throughout the key stage and underpin all the activities we cover.


How do we study Physical Education? 

Physical Education is a practical subject, which requires high levels of engagement and participation from all students in every lesson. In order to make progress, good listening skills are required, as well as being able to accurately replicate actions and movements shown in demonstrations. Knowledge and understanding will be tested through regular questioning, observations and both self and peer evaluation. Attendance to co-curricular clubs can help further develop knowledge and confidence in a particular sport or activity.

Spiritual Moral Social Cultural


Students are given time, space and guidance to develop their own mental wellbeing and by learning to reflect, evaluate and set personal goals. The role of physical activity in the promotion of positive mental health is consistently revisited.


Fairplay and Independence are promoted in all we do. Students need that sense of morality to be able to self umpire games where required and to provide honest and fair evaluation and assessment of each other's performance.


Students must be able to work together in teams with students of different abilities, to overcome challenges and succeed in their performance. When students analyse each other's performance, they are encouraged to give constructive feed forward.


We promote sports for all and access for all. We challenge stereotypes in all sports and help students to find ways to respect their culture whilst respecting themselves and their sport.

Presentation of Work 

The best way to prepare for lessons is to be organised. Students should always know which activity they will be taking part in and have the correct kit ready. It is important that they give their very best, all of the time, the performance they produce in each lesson is how the teacher will assess their level of progress.

Home Learning

Our expectation of students is that they take part in regular physical activity outside of lessons, whether that is through our co-curricular offer at school, participating at a local sports club, or just socially with friends and family. We also encourage an interest in following sporting events through the media, to help better understand the role that Sport plays in our society.

Co - curricular Activities

The PE department provides a broad co-curricular programme, which complements wider aspects of the school community. Activities on offer vary depending on seasons, but can range from traditional team sports such as Netball and Football to more individual activities such as Indoor Rowing. We enter Borough competitions in Netball, Football, Badminton and  Cross Country in the Autumn and Spring terms and Athletic and Rounders in the Summer term.  We also enter the  West London and National Competitions in Indoor Rowing throughout the year.



Formative assessment and verbal feedback takes place during lessons through discussion with students either individually or in small groups. Summative assessment focuses on generic skill acquisition. Students in KS3 have a Personal Development Matrix which they use to track their personal development across the Key Stage.


To view the impact of our curriculum please click here for our latest exam results and here for our student destinations.

Careers Leading on from Physical Education

 The communication and teamwork skills, along with the scientific understanding students develop whilst studying Physical Education provide the skills required for a range of careers in sports and fitness as well as other industries that they may not have considered.

Some careers to be considered doing after taking GCSE or A Level PE include: Sports Scientist, PE teacher, Physiotherapist, Sports coach/consultant, Personal Trainer, Diet and Fitness instructor, Sports Psychologist, and many more.

To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here.


How parents/carers can support their children

Regular physical activity is a lifestyle choice, and one which can be easily supported at home. Encouraging your child to spend 30-60 minutes a day doing light exercise such as walking to and from school, playing in the park or taking the dog for a walk is a great way to start. If your child is keen, you can look for a local club where they can meet new friends and benefit from structured training and competition in a sport they enjoy.

Recommended Reading

We recommend the following reading to support KS4 studies:
  • ‘Revise AQA GCSE Physical Education Revision Workbook: For the 2016 Qualifications’ by Jan Simister, Pearson Education Limited, 2018
  • ‘My Revision Notes: AQA GCSE (9-1) PE’ 2nd Edition, by Kirk Bizley
  • ‘AQA GCSE (9-1) PE’ by Ross Howitt & Mike Murray
  • Sky Sports News Online or on television for recent sporting events and news
  • BBC Sports Online or on television for recent sporting events and news
  • Newspapers for recent articles about current sporting events and news