The Green School for Girls

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Musical Instrument Tuition


Joint Director of Music Mrs A Green

Joint Director of Music Mrs R Greaves

Learning an instrument has been proven to boost social skills, refine discipline and patience, improve self-esteem and will introduce your child to other cultures.  There are a variety of instruments your daughter can learn at The Green School for Girls, including brass, woodwind, piano, voice, drums, guitar and strings.

Please use the links on this page to access application forms for individual and group lessons.  If you are learning an instrument other than piano, this will be done through Hounslow Music Service.  All lessons take place during the school day, during lesson time and music lessons will be rotated to ensure your daughter does not miss the same lesson each week.

The Green School for Girls Music Lessons – Piano

The payment for these lessons must be done through Parent Pay and full details of this are included in the application form.  Please ensure that your daughter returns this form to Student Services.


Hounslow Music Service

 Hounslow music service provide peripatetic teachers to the school who teach a range of instruments. They offer individual and group lessons and an instrument hire scheme. To apply for instrumental lessons at The Green School for Girls via Hounslow music service please click  here to find out more.