Head of Department Ms L Syred
Key Stage 3 English Ms G Williams
Key Stage 5 English Ms E Rebellato
Our vision is to inspire a deep enthusiasm and love for English language and literature from which all students can achieve their full personal and academic potential, regardless of their background.
Why do we study English?
Our aim is to equip students with the relevant skills to achieve academically, but also help them negotiate the modern world. From year 7, students develop their abilities in the core areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Our lessons encourage a passion for the subject, drawing on the creativity and enthusiasm of our students and their eagerness to learn. We aim to inspire students to be independent, critical readers who take their interest in reading well beyond the class room. As writers, our students are encouraged to adopt a variety of forms and purposes, adapting their writing style according to audience. Similarly, we provide a wealth of opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills in a variety of contexts.
Our students will:
- develop skills in the core areas of reading, writing, speaking and listening to the best of their ability
- read a wide and varied range of texts from different periods and traditions, both fiction and non-fiction
- become enthusiastic, independent readers of a range of different and varied texts
- be inspired by the enthusiasm, excellent subject knowledge and diverse experience of a highly collaborative team of teachers who want the best for their students
- engage in a wide variety of co-curricular activities such as clubs for reading, creative writing, debating and moving image, as well as trips to the theatre, cinema and lectures.
- develop into independent critical thinkers and writers who are willing to question the world around them whilst respecting the views of others
- be able to work creatively, drawing on knowledge, ideas and discussion with others
- develop a spiritual and moral awareness within the context of the cultural richness and diversity that a London Church of England school for girls has to offer
- become young adults keen to embrace the opportunities the world outside school has to offer with resilience, enthusiasm and good humour
What is English?
English is the learning and development of the key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. English is the understanding of different literary forms such as poetry, prose fiction, drama and non-fiction.
What do we study?
We study a range of texts including novels, poetry, plays and non-fiction texts. Students learn how to write for different audiences and purposes, including writing that expresses a point of view and creative writing.
To view a full summary of our KS3 and KS4 English curriculum please click here
To view information about A-level English Literature at the Green School Sixth Form please click here
To view information about A-level English Language at the Green School Sixth Form please click here
The English Curriculum is recursive in nature, each year revisiting novels, poetry, Shakespeare, non-fiction, reading and writing in order to recall and then develop knowledge and skills. The units are structured thematically and progressively through Years 7, 8 and 9, and through a broad thematic structure of 'The Voice', with each year group adding a layer of complexity. After diagnostic tests, Year 7 units fall loosely into the theme of 'My Voice' and explore the craft of storytelling, writing about stories and telling one's own story. We build on the comprehension, vocabulary and composition previously learned in Key Stage 2 by encouraging students to find their writing 'voice' as well as studying texts that creatively explore their own world. We move on from the identification of grammatical terms and examine how to write about and evaluate the use of these in a literary text. A Shakespearean text is introduced in its literary and historical context, and we look at the ways Shakespeare uses magic to tell universal and familiar stories.
In Year 8, the units fall loosely into the theme of 'The Voice of Others', and we begin to look at how striking and original voices can be created in writing, and how unusual or interesting points of view and perspectives can be shown through fiction and persuasive non fiction. Students begin to write in academic style about their texts, and our study of a Shakespearean text introduces the genre of tragedy, and the different viewpoints that cause conflict.
By Year 9, students are exploring the 'Voice of HIstory and Society', and learn that texts can be studied within the context of their production, and students use this idea to respond imaginatively, as well as analytically. Shakespearean comedy is introduced and studied through the context of women and marriage in society and throughout history. At this point, students are ready to apply their skills to some Key Stage Four type texts and tasks, refining their techniques of argument, critical thinking and debate, and learning to compare and evaluate. Finally, Year 9 students consider how they might apply a particular critical lens or way of thinking to a pre-twentieth century literary text in order to understand the different ways we can think about the written word. Throughout the whole Key Stage students have discrete sessions to read for pleasure weekly (Years 7 and 8) or fortnightly (Year 9) , with shared and modelled reading and discussion, and individual private reading books, so that a reading habit and culture is established and developed.
How do we study English?
We study in a variety of different ways and by working individually, in pairs and in small groups. Students read a variety of texts and write for a variety of audiences and purposes. There are opportunities to use ICT but also to develop handwriting skills. Students complete shorter tasks, extended essays and longer projects. Reading and writing skills are developed throughout Key Stages 3 and 4, as well as speaking and listening skills such as debating and public speaking. We encourage a wide reading diet of both fiction and non-fiction.
Spiritual Moral Social Cultural education
Some texts,such as ‘Purple Hibiscus’ inYear 9, encourage reflection of the form and purpose of different kinds of theological belief. Students also have the opportunity to explore their approaches to faith in open choice tasks, such as persuasive language speeches and story writing.
Morality is at the heart of many of our texts, themes and topics, such as theYear 8 theme of ‘Points ofView and Outsiders’ , and theYear 9 readers: ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘Purple Hibiscus’, which explore the ways people treat each other.The currentYear 7 text, ‘A Monster Calls’ allows exploration of when we should show tolerance and kindness, towards ourselves, as well as others. Likewise, KS4 texts and topics also explore issues of personal morality: ‘An Inspector Calls’, Macbeth, ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘Never Let MeGo’ all give rise to discussions about taking responsibility for our actions and self control.
Collective social responsibility and an awareness of complex political, social and personal issues underpins our themes and text choices. Our year 8 themes and text choices explore the importance of inclusion and tolerance in society, andYear 9 themes and texts explore attitudes towards those of different religions and races, as well as differing political viewpoints.At Key Stage 3, our non-fiction source choices examine important social and political topics: EmmaWatson’s ‘inclusive feminism’ speech,Obama’s ‘Words Matter’ speech, and SojournerTruth’s ‘Ain’t I AWoman.’ Additionally, we consider ‘TEDTalks’ about the importance of recycling and waste management and the public perception of models.AtGCSE, those who study ‘An Inspector Calls’ discuss the importance of social responsibility, as well as learning about the political spectrum, while those who study ‘Never Let MeGo’ consider ethical issues such as cloning and segregation.The social and historical aspects of women, class and marriage are explored through our study of Shakespeare, as well as our pre-twentieth centuryGCSE texts. Issues of racial marginalisation and segregation are currently explored throughYear 9 readers- ‘Purple Hibiscus’ and ‘Of Mice and Men’, as well as the Year 8 Multi Media text unit. Class and society is also examined through the study of ‘Jane Eyre’ , and attitudes are interrogated through the use of feminist and post=colonial lenses. At Key Stages 3 and 4 there are opportunities for students to research and present on a wide variety of social issues. Students have been supported to speak about racial inequality and perception, feminism and gender inequality, gender dysphoria and sexuality, and conflict in other countries.
Text choices and topics reflect our diverse intake and help to support the development of cultural sensitivity. Year 7 students study poetry from different countries and cultures, while Year 9 students study an American or Nigerian novel, and also examine speeches from inspirational speakers such as Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King and Sojourner Truth. Our Year8 Multi-Media unit considers issues of cultural- integration. At GCSE, we look at the social and historical culture of our own country through the study of Jane Austen, as well as using fiction and non-fiction extracts to present the culture of others.
Presentation of Work
At KS3 and 4 students present their work in A4 exercise books. In years 10 and 11 students have separate exercise books for English language and English literature. A-level students organise all work in an A4 ring-binder. Students take pride in their work and high standards of presentation are expected.
Home Learning
Home learning is weekly and can be in the form of written tasks, independent reading or research. It can consolidate learning from lessons or help prepare them for future lessons. Where appropriate, home learning guidance is placed on Google classroom by the class teacher.
Co - curricular Activities
- Debate club often including preparations for local competitions.
- Film club
- A range of reading/book clubs
- Literature club
We regularly run theatre and cinema trips and regularly host visiting productions (including National Theatre, Library Theatre and Orange Tree) here at the school.
Year 11s attend the Poetry Live! Conference every year.
Each year group has a visiting author talk each year. We take part in the Hounslow Teen Read, Speed Read and Poetry Slam. At school we hold a Harry Potter evening and celebrate World Book Day.
There are regular formal assessments throughout the year including exams. The format and assessment criteria for these gradually prepare students for the GCSE exams. A-level students write exam style essays on a regular basis.
Marking is in line with the school’s assessment policy.
To view the impact of our curriculum please click here for our latest exam results and here for our student destinations.
Careers Leading on from English
Careers such as journalism, law, teaching and various branches of the arts all value the knowledge and skills developed in the study of English. Also, the communication and analytical skills are valued by a huge range of careers and professions.
To view more information about our school Careers programme please click here.
How parents/carers can support their children
Parents and carers can support by encouraging a wide and varied diet of independent reading at home. Watching film and TV adaptations of texts can help students to appreciate and enjoy different interpretations of classic literature.
Recommended Reading
The school provides copies of all set texts although some students prefer to buy their own so they can include hand-written annotations. A reading list with recommendations for further independent reading are available for each year group from the CIRCLE.
Please find our recommended reading for Year 7 here.
Recommended reading for Year 8 can be found here.
Recommended reading for Year 9 can be found here.
Here is our recommended reading for GCSE English Language and Literature.
For information regarding the A-level English Literature course please click here for the Sixth Form website.