The Green School for Girls

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Attitudes to Learning

The Attitudes to Learning (ATL) Ladder aims to grade the process of learning in context of a Growth Mind Set.

Each step of the ladder describes the learners' attitude to their learning.  At The Green School for Girls,  ‘Ask, Learn, Refine, Reflect’ are the learning behaviours that we encourage and grow in our students, so they are active learners who develop their questioning and reasoning skills. 

The ATL Ladder places emphasis on supporting the learner to be independent and guides them to improve their work, revisit, redraft, refine or carry out further practice to master skills. 

Responding to challenges that are just beyond their comfort zone enables learners to build resilience and grit, and become more academically buoyant. 

Each 'next steps' section suggests to students practical steps on how to move up the ATL Ladder.