The Green School for Girls

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MYRIAD Mindfulness Research Project - University of Oxford

The Green School for Girls is delighted with its ongoing involvement with the My Resilience in Education (MYRIAD) Project. 

Resilience is the ability to adapt in the face of difficulties and challenging circumstances, and we as adults know that this is a key attribute to have in order to be successful in whatever we experience in life.  The project will compare the different types of emotional health and well-being lessons being taught in school.  

The team of researchers will be working with our students over the next few years, to develop these skills with our students. We are also delighted to be able to use their expertise to support a number of Sixth Form activities, such as Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) projects and enhancing university links. 

Please see below for the recent communication from the project coordinator.

 MYRIAD Letter to Parents

MYRIAD Participant Information Sheet for Parents and Carers

MYRIAD Opt-Out Form for Parents and Carers

Letter from MYRIAD

Academic Year 2019/2020