High Attainers and Achievers
High Attainers and Achievers provision at TGSG:
At The Green School for Girls, we aim to inspire and nurture every student in a challenging and stimulating environment so they excel and fulfil their potential:
High Attaining students who demonstrate the potential to achieve at the highest level are identified from data and comprise of the top 10% in each year group.
High Achievers are students whose attainment is above expectation; these students will vary from subject to subject and are identified via a list of subject-specific criteria.
We firmly believe that all students have the potential to achieve highly and to be successful in their endeavours. Students who are identified as either being High Attaining and/or High Achieving may need specific support and guidance in maximising this potential; we need to ensure that we are providing the students with a challenging and inspirational environment that will enable these students to develop their independence, resilience and love for learning.
Our offer for High Attaining and High Achieving students
High Attaining and High Achieving students at The Green School for Girls have the opportunity to participate in enrichment activities, for example:
Master classes
Held in School on a range of topics to extend thinking and inspire curiosity.
Hounslow Promise Masterclasses
Offered to students in the Borough and have included a Journalism talk and a visit to the London Stock Exchange.
Visiting speakers
Throughout the school year TGSG welcomes a range of visiting speakers to extend students’ learning beyond the curriculum. In March 2019 we hosted John Bercow, the speaker of the House of Commons
Enrichment Visits and trips
These extend students’ learning beyond the curriculum, such as the visit to the HMRC & Treasury Building.
In addition to these activities, there are specific programmes for each year group, including:
Year 7 and 8
Masterclasses on journalism, the ‘Ask, Learn, Refine, Reflect’ cycle and the 4th plinth activity
Year 9
The Brilliant Club Scholars Programme involving students working with a PHD graduate on a research project in either STEM or Humanities topics. They complete a University style thesis, visit highly selective Universities and participate in a graduation ceremony.
Uno Animo is a student-led school magazine which features articles about school life and showcases high quality examples of student work.
Debating club is led by Year 9 students and current topical issues are strongly debated each week..
Year 10
Students participate in subject enrichment taster days at St Mary’s University.
Years 10, 11, 12 + 13
University of Oxford Somerville Roadshow – talks, lectures and information sessions offered by our link college.
University of Oxford Pathways Programme – taster days, study days and interview practice sessions.
Oxford Schools Debating Competition
The following links provide further information on opportunities for Sixth Form High Attainers and Achievers at TGSG:
The Ad Astra programme designed to support students who are aspiring to study at the top universities including Oxford University, Cambridge University and Imperial College London.