The Green School for Girls

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Admissions Appeals Process for 2024-25

If you wish to lodge an appeal regarding your year 7 application for The Green School Trust, please download and complete the appeal form below stating the reason for the appeal based on the published Admissions Criteria.  Forms should be submitted by 15th April 2024

All appeals are heard by a panel independent of the Trust.

Appellants will be sent written notification of the date and arrangements of their appeal hearing  at least 10 school days before the hearing.

If an appellant wishes to submit additional evidence that was not included in their initial appeal, they should ensure this is provided at least 7 school days before the hearing. Any additional evidence received after this deadline will not be circulated and may not be considered at the hearing.

Appellants will be sent a copy of the Trust’s case at least 7 school days before the hearing.


Key Dates:

Friday 1st March 2024: National Offer Day

Monday  15th April 2024:  Appeals must be lodged by 5pm on this date

Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th May 2024:  Appeals will be heard


The Green School Trust Appeals are administered by The Green School Trust and heard by Clerks Associates who are independent  consultants.

 If you require further information on submitting an appeal please contact

Please note that you cannot appeal for a place at  The Green School for Girls if no direct application was made

 The Green School for Girls Appeal Form 2024