The Green School for Girls

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Our starting point is that every girl is an individual and every student matters to the school and to the individual staff. The Green School for Girls is an inclusive school and staff expect to support girls with a wide range of emotional and learning needs. The school motto, "Let your light shine" applies to every student in every circumstance and staff will do all they can to help every student to thrive.

Every student has a form tutor to oversee academic and social wellbeing.  The school’s values and expectations encompass care and compassion and it is our job make sure that all our students feel safe and secure so that they can concentrate on achieving their academic best.  The school has an experienced SENCo who works with teachers, form tutors and Heads of Year to ensure the best possible outcomes for students. 


Throughout the summer term the school runs drop-in clinics for any prospective parents and carers of Year 6 girls who want to talk through their daughter’s needs. There will also be an assessment day in the summer term to identify girls’ strengths and weaknesses and we will visit all the girls at their primary schools. We will speak to the primary school teachers to make sure that important information, for example approaches that have been effective at primary school, are shared.

Our SEND policy can be viewed on the policies page of this website.

For further advice please contact our SENCo Mr D Rodrigues

Information can be downloaded below.

To see a copy of our SEND Policy, please click here